Our Past Malamute Puppies
Enjoy Pictures of our previous litters of our adorable Alaskan Malamute Puppies! You can see the consistent quality of our beautiful puppies. We produce the most beautiful red, seal, sable, grey, and black and white puppies with excellent health and amazing intelligence you will find anywhere!

Eldon is a handsome red & white male puppy with a white blaze on his forehead. He is out of Delilah and Apollo. He was born on March 29th 2023. He was adopted by Patricia.

Elcid is a handsome red & white male puppy with a white blaze on his forehead. He is out of Delilah and Apollo. He was born on March 29th 2023. He was adopted by Jay S.

tom & cusco
Cusco is a huge son of Thor's. He is 2 in this picture.

Titus was a beautiful red woolly puppy out of Lakita and Thor.

Chinook was a beautiful red wooly puppy out of Magenta and Thor.
Minka & Kibba
These cuties were puppies from Lakita and Orion's Litter

Tiara & Titan
These adorable Malamute puppies were out of Tiara & Titan's litter

This handsome boy was from Chloe and Orion's litter

Malamute Puppies playing
We produce the most beautiful striking red puppies!

We produce the most beautiful striking red puppies! Kota was a big woolly male from Tiara and Orion's litter in 2020

Juno is another example of the beautiful striking red puppies we produce. He was also out of Tiara and Orion's litter in 2020.

Duke is a big woolly puppy from Tiara and Orion's litter from 2020.

Aurora is another example of the beautiful striking red puppies we produce. She was also out of Tiara and Orion's litter in 2020.

Rambo is a large red and white male with a full face mask. He was born July 23. He is out of Aria and Titan's litter. He was adopted by Anabel and Michael.

Viggo is a handsome large Seal/Grey and white male with an open face. He was born August 18th. He is out of Magenta and Orion's litter. He was adopted by Breanna.

Sadie is a beautiful black and white female with a full face mask. She was born August 18th. She is out of Magenta and Orion's litter. She is reserved for Michael D.

Mason and AKira
Akira is a beautiful red and white female with a full face mask. She was born August 18th. She is out of Magenta and Orion's litter. She was adopted By Tim M.

Ivy is a beautiful seal/grey and white female with a full face mask. She was born August 18th. She is out of Magenta and Orion's litter. She was adopted by Andrea.

Kima/Sparrow is a beautiful red and white female with a full face mask. She was born August 18th. She is out of Magenta and Orion's litter. She was adopted by Michael.

Ranger is a handsome large Black and white male with a full face mask. He was born August 18th. He is out of Magenta and Orion's litter. He was adopted by Nancy & Ron.

Rogue is a Red and white male with a nice full face mask. He was born July 23. He is out of Aria and Titan's litter. He was adopted By Jordan & Braeden.
Flint is a handsome large red and white male with a full face mask. He was born July 27th. He is out of Lakita and Thor's litter. He was adopted by Christopher & Amber L.
Athos is a huge handsome red and white male with a full face mask. He was born July 27th. He is out of Lakita and Thor's litter. He was adopted by Marshall and Pam V.

Rex is a stunning red and white male with a full face mask. He was born July 27th. He is out of Lakita and Thor's litter. He was adopted by Shayer.

Raven is a gorgeous agouti & white female. She was born August 4th. She is out of Tiara and Titan's litter. She was adopted by Carol D.

Zeena is a Beautiful large red and white female with an open face mask and a full collar of white around her neck (Just like her mom). She was born August 4th. She is out of Tiara and Titan's litter. She was adopted by Cody & Brenna.
Stella is a beautiful red and white female with a full face mask. She was born July 27th. She is out of Lakita and Thor's litter. She was adopted by Kristi B.

Merle is a handsome red and white male with a full face mask. He was born July 23. He is out of Aria and Titan's litter. He was adopted by Samantha.
Flash is a handsome deep red male Alaskan malamute with a cool white flash on his face, this will open up as he grows into an open face mask. He was born July 23. He is out of Aria and Titan's litter. He is reserved for David N.
Balto is a handsome seal/grey & white male Alaskan Malamute Puppy. He is out of Lola and Orion's Litter born July 22nd. He is reserved for Kristin & Ron.
Luna is a beautiful Seal/Grey & white female Alaskan Malamute Puppy. She is out of Lola and Orion's Litter born July 22nd. She is reserved for Laurie J.

Shadow is a stunning seal & white female Alaskan Malamute Puppy. She is out of Lola and Orion's Litter born July 22nd. She is Reserved for Nate.
Roscoe is a Handsome black & white male Alaskan Malamute Puppy. He is out of Lola and Orion's Litter born July 22nd. He is reserved for Braxtayn H.

Hazel is a gorgeous seal colored female Alaskan Malamute Puppy, She is out of Chloe and Orion's Litter born May 19th. She was adopted by Camille B.

Minka is a Beautiful Black & White Female Alaskan Malamute puppy. She is out of Chloe and Orion's Litter born May 19th. She was adopted by Joy and Justin. She is pictured with New owner Justin here.

Cotton is a stunning all white female Alaskan Malamute Puppy. She is out of Chloe and Orion's Litter born May 19th. She was adopted by Jered R.

Yuma is a Handsome black & white male Alaskan Malamute Puppy. He is out of Chloe and Orion's Litter born May 19th. He was adopted by Brian M pictured with him here.

Rania, is a radiant Seal/Grey female Alaskan Malamute Puppy. She is out of Chloe and Orion's Litter born May 19th. She was adopted by Carrie and husband pictured her with here.

Arctic is a handsome all white male Alaskan Malamute Puppy. He is out of Chloe and Orion's Litter born May 19th. He is reserved for Dennis H. Pictured with him in this photo.
Danica, Elcid, and Bree
This picture is of 3 puppies from Penny' and Orions litter May of 2022

Benz is a gorgous black and white woolly male malamute out of Athena & Appolo's litter May of 2022. He was adopted by Levi and his family.